The Third Borough

An award winning original web-series created by De’zjea Allen and Lillian Sokolski

Who are we?

The Third Borough is about two long-time friends, Lillie and De’zjea as they navigate the struggles of life like job hunting, break-ups, life crisis’, a global pandemic, and they’re not even 25 yet. Damn.


Award Winners

The Third Borough is back and on its third season! Whoo! Since the start of season one, De’zjea and Lillie have been through a lot together from job hunting, to break-ups, to a global pandemic, and things are just getting started!

We are so proud that our third season has just won it’s first award! Be on the lookout for our interview for winning “Best Webseries” for the Fullshot Cine Mag Festival!


De’zjea Allen

I’m De’zjea!

New York is where I call home, but Maryland was where I was grown. I started being interested in performing at a young age and knew that it was what I wanted to do when I grew up. I attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts after high school where I met my partner in crime, Lillie! Living in Brooklyn and working at a hip coffee shop is everything my middle school self wanted. That and the space to live and create the way I want to. Though acting has been my main focus for the most part, The Third Borough has helped me further realize my love for writing which I will always be thankful for.

Some fun facts about me are that I love video games, anime, and flower :)


Lillian Sokolski

Well hello there, I’m Lillie.

I. Love. Comedy.

I like to think my sense of humour started from growing up in a town named Champaign (pronounced champagne), watching Napoleon Dynamite a little too much, and having a loving family who insist on giving you sh*t at any point of the day - and for that, I am grateful. As De’zjea said, we met at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Since graduating I’ve been able to participate and create in all different forms of performing arts like improv (a personal favourite); directing both stage and screen; writing sketch comedy; gaffing and other crew work; and, of course, creating our baby The Third Borough.

I guess since De’zjea gave some fun facts I should too now so let’s see here… I live stream on Airtime, I’m surprisingly really good at crafts, and I like building IKEA furniture.

Where To Find Us